14. June 2018
Meine Hände liegen jetzt wieder im Schnee. Ich bestehe aus Blut, Fleisch und Schnee. Ich sah das Ende und den Anfang. Ich höre die Stille. Der Klang des Universums. Meine Hände liegen jetzt wieder im Schnee.
07. November 2017
It's cold my book was bleeding Papperlapapp or Uppsala. You can choose. Other words I know about Rababermarmelade and Geborgenheit. Your favorite word is Baum. Because together with the word Haus it will be Baumhaus and you love Baumhäuser.
06. November 2017
The day I knew everything. That day I decided to stop thinking at all. One day in hell one day in heaven. I want to be bored but everything is so exciting. Why am I so slow. You talk to me today but I'm gone already. My dog helps me writing and my cat is very tasty. I already fucked with everyone. But still searching for invisible stones. Everything or Nothing take it or leave it. I know nothing and nothing is everything. Everything is nothing. Now I am empty again, like a shoebox left in the...
25. October 2017
Happy start. My pillow is water. My pillow is shikansen. My name is yakul. I love marmelade. Yesterday I asked my feet if you could fly. My name is rice. Did you ever asked your feet if they like to go to Japan. My poetry is very dirty. Do you like it dirty. The only way you like it. Like an animal inside a temple. Like dragon inside potatoe. Japan. What do you think? That's a good idea. You have good ideas. My vagina is phenomenal. Like you. Simply phenomenal. My uterus is exploting. Like a...
25. October 2017
Does that feel like time? Does that feel like time?
25. October 2017
No No No. Yes Yes Yes. Maybe Maybe Maybe. I would never try to suck your soul out of your body. For me it would be ok if you would like to suck my soul out of my body. I am ok with that. I never really felt my soul maybe while you trying to suck it out I get the chance to feel my soul. You gave me the first moment I felt.
25. October 2017
I wish I was a Rabbit. I am not a rabbit. A blue rabbit. Not yellow. I am already dead, dead has a dead rabbit. I have huge ears and I am very fast. There is a young fox after me, my blood is running fast with me. The last feeling I felt was the strong bite of the fox in my neck. Now I don't care who I am.
25. October 2017
Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Benevolence is the quality of being well meaning; kindness. I'm always so absolutely cold. I have no connection to anything around me. Would you like to be around me? Like Leonardo DiCaprio inside a horse. Like Hermann Nitsch inside a cow. Like Joseph Beuys in fat and felt. Around me like you being the egg white. In case you die I die, in case I die you die. I'm sure we live forever. You were so kind to me. I will never...